Launched in 2014, the San Dieguito Citizen Science Monitoring Program was developed to create a sustainable, cost-effective, and scientifically valid monitoring program for the San Dieguito River Park that can be carried out by volunteer citizen scientists. This program collects critical data necessary to fill knowledge gaps on River Park lands and better inform future land acquisitions, adaptive land management, habitat and species restoration, educational initiatives and future research while encouraging community involvement and engagement.

This program was developed by the San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy to take advantage of the fact that visitors to the River Park are constantly observing their surroundings as they hike, bike or ride their horse on our trails. It offers residents, volunteers, trail users and other outdoor enthusiasts a way to actively contribute to the betterment of their local outdoor spaces; they can be a field scientist for a day. It also offers students, when combined with school and university programs, a great way to get hands-on learning opportunities.