Happy Memorial Day weekend!

The last few weeks have been a bit hectic, so we've got plenty of news and info to share with you.

First of all, if you haven't seen it yet, Cochrane Crowd has posted about about our joint webinar and the #MedLitBlitz. If you missed the webinar or had technical difficulties/time zone issues with it, it's available on youtube. The prize packages for the top three participants of #MedLitBlitz are packed and will be shipped either today or early next week (depending on whether or not shipments have been picked up for today or not).

Secondly, Mark2Cure was at the Citizen Science Association conference from 2017.05.15-2017.05.20, and was fortunate enough to share about YOUR work to an audience of scientists who LOVE citizen science! More than a few researchers stopped to introduce themselves to me and spoke highly of our community! Although it's always weird to hear a recording of your own voice, I recorded my presentation because it wouldn't be fair to talk about the amazing work you've done without sharing it with you! You can find my presentation for the biomedical session in our youtube channel. On a side note, I know the audio quality isn't the best which is why I've transcribed it using youtube's captioning software. If you have trouble hearing the presentation (because of the poor audio quality), please turn on the closed captions.

Max also delivered two lightning talks for the event, which I hope to upload soon.
Not available yet, but will be soon In addition to the talks, we had a poster for Mark2Cure and a table at two public events.
Max spreading the love for Mark2Cure

We were especially pleased to be so close to our buddy at Cochrane Crowd for this event
Cochrane Crowd looking good

Lastly, it looks like one of the missions was completed just as I was settling back in after the conference. A HUGE thanks to everyone that helped complete the carpingly mission. A new mission has been launched in its place, so check it out if you have some free time.

MedLit Blitz, Mark2Curathon Results and More

Mark2Curathon Results

MedLit Blitz, Mark2Curathon Results and More

Sorry for the delay, the Mark2Curathon results are finally in! During the Mark2Cure portion of MedLit Blitz, we had 34 participants contribute over 16,000 annotations. Because both the entity recognition and the relationship extraction tasks are very different from Cochrane's screening task, we had to take some additional considerations when tallying the results.

For the Relationship Extraction module, multiple annotations per abstract were possible as each abstract could have any number of concept pairings. Hence, for the relationship extraction module each annotation submitted counted as one task unit

For the Entity Recognition module, only one submission was possible per abstract, but users needed to identify three different types of entities. Hence, each abstract completed counted as three task units (one for each concept type--genes, treatments, diseases). Additionally, a tiered bonus multiplier (of an additional 2% to 15%) was applied for users who submitted high quality annotations.

The RE and ER tasks units were then added together for each user, and sorted from highest to lowest in order to determine user ranking for the event. Without further ado, these were the top 15 participants in the Mark2Curathon:
1. ckrypton
2. Dr-SR
3. TAdams
4. hwiseman
5. Kien Pong Yap
6. skye
7. ScreenerDB
8. priyakorni
9. Judy E
10. pennnursinglib
11. Calico
12. AJ_Eckhart
13. uellis
14. sueandarmani
15. nclairoux

A huge thanks to you all, and everyone who participated for making our first adventure with Cochrane Crowd so successful!

To qualify for the MedLit Blitz prize, Mark2Curators had to have contributed to the Cochrane Screening Challenge as well.

MedLit Blitz Results

We are in the process of contacting the winners and hope to have an update about this soon.

Mark2Cure at Citizen Science Association Conference 2017

Max and I have arrived in Twin Cities, Minnesota for the Citizen Science conference. Mark2Cure was accepted as part of the symposium on biomedical citizen science. Additionally, Mark2Cure was also accepted for a poster presentation and for the project slam. If that doesn't sound busy enough, Mark2Cure was accepted for a table at the 'Night in the Cloud' event (open to the public). If you are in town, please stop by our table!

About the prizes

Winners will receive a Mark2Cure mug, marker, novelty item, in addition to any prizes that Cochrane has prepared for this event.

The Mark2Curathon starts now!

The Mark2Curathon starts now!

Our anniversary celebration with Cochrane Crowd is well under way. #MedLitBlitz started with a webinar on Monday, and was followed by the Cochrane screening challenge from Tuesday to Wednesday. During that challenge, over 100 MedLit Blitzers screened 29,494 citations--over nine THOUSAND more than the initial goal of 20,000!

But the celebrations aren't over yet. It's now time for the Mark2Curathon portion of #MedLitBlitz!

For this part, we've launched 3 new missions in the Entity Recognition module. To be clear, all annotations (regardless of whether they were submitted via the Entity Recognition or Relationship Extraction module) will count towards #MedLitBlitz as long as they fall within the time frame of the event. If you don't see the new ER missions, log out, clear your cache and log back in.

As with Cochrane Crowd, we will be active on twitter; however, we know that many of our most ardent Mark2Curators do not use twitter. For this reason, we will also be sharing updates via our chat channel. As with our previous Mark2Curathons, no sign up is required to chat on this channel, and we encourage you to join us there.

For ease of tracking, here's the countdown till the end of the event:

If you participated in the Cochrane screening challenge as part of #MedLitBlitz we'd love to hear about it! It's been really fun working with Anna and Emily over at Cochrane Crowd, we'll definitely look forward to working with them in the future. If you've enjoyed our collaborative effort, feel free to ping some praise to @AnnaNoelStorr and @cochrane_crowd.