Happy Fathers Day!

A HUGE thanks to all the dads (and EVERYONE) who has been contributing to make a difference for the NGLY1 families.

Shipping delays Apologies to international prize and drawing winners who were waiting for their prizes. Most of the international packages that we shipped out in May/June have been returned to us due to customs issues (fortunately, this happened at some point prior to shipping so the postage on these is still good, unfortunately, it took a long time for these to get back to us so we can address the issue). We’ll be trying again to get these out ASAP.

Max’s original project slam now online As mentioned in our previous newsletter, Max delivered the project slam for Mark2Cure at the Citizen Science Conference in Minnesota. The project slam talks were supposed to have been recorded and still may be released by the Citizen Science Association someday, but we couldn’t wait. Here’s our recording of Max’s project slam. He finished within his allotted four minutes, and was engaging enough to win one of three invitations to deliver an even shorter version of the slam at an even the following day.
You can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kxlhhFLdmM

You be the scientist! One thing we’ve heard (and quite agree with) at the Citizen Science Conference is that trained volunteers are capable of doing more than simple tasks. Mark2Curators have very much fed into the tutorial process, and played an important role in testing and improving the design of the interface. The entities our users have identified from the text have already yielded interesting clues which we’ve used to expand the set of documents to investigate, and by now, there are users who have read a lot of abstracts—A LOT! If you’ve read something that sticks out in your mind as being potentially related to NGLY1-deficiency, share it with us! We’d love to hear YOUR hypothesis on what might be an interesting term to explore and why.

Happy Memorial Day weekend!

The last few weeks have been a bit hectic, so we've got plenty of news and info to share with you.

First of all, if you haven't seen it yet, Cochrane Crowd has posted about about our joint webinar and the #MedLitBlitz. If you missed the webinar or had technical difficulties/time zone issues with it, it's available on youtube. The prize packages for the top three participants of #MedLitBlitz are packed and will be shipped either today or early next week (depending on whether or not shipments have been picked up for today or not).

Secondly, Mark2Cure was at the Citizen Science Association conference from 2017.05.15-2017.05.20, and was fortunate enough to share about YOUR work to an audience of scientists who LOVE citizen science! More than a few researchers stopped to introduce themselves to me and spoke highly of our community! Although it's always weird to hear a recording of your own voice, I recorded my presentation because it wouldn't be fair to talk about the amazing work you've done without sharing it with you! You can find my presentation for the biomedical session in our youtube channel. On a side note, I know the audio quality isn't the best which is why I've transcribed it using youtube's captioning software. If you have trouble hearing the presentation (because of the poor audio quality), please turn on the closed captions.

Max also delivered two lightning talks for the event, which I hope to upload soon.
Not available yet, but will be soon In addition to the talks, we had a poster for Mark2Cure and a table at two public events.
Max spreading the love for Mark2Cure

We were especially pleased to be so close to our buddy at Cochrane Crowd for this event
Cochrane Crowd looking good

Lastly, it looks like one of the missions was completed just as I was settling back in after the conference. A HUGE thanks to everyone that helped complete the carpingly mission. A new mission has been launched in its place, so check it out if you have some free time.