The Wet Lab’s Citizen Science Lecture Series

Our citizen science lecture series speaker on Tuesday 11/6 at the La Jolla Riford Library is Barbara Lloyd, who is the co-founder of Ocean Sanctuaries. OS is a non-profit organization “devoted almost exclusively to ocean-related citizen science projects and sharing the data obtained from them with both the professional and citizen science community… to foster greater understanding, wise ecology, species protection and good stewardship of the ocean and related habitats”.

Title: Using Citizen Science to Track Sevengill Sharks

Speaker: Barbara Lloyd, Founder, Ocean Sanctuaries, (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization)

Abstract: Certain species, such as the sevengill shark or the whale shark, have unique patterns which can be utilized to identify individuals and to track resightings of the same shark. Ocean Sanctuaries is using online tools along with photos and videos to develop a collaborative data management system to estimate sevengill shark populations in Southern California and South Africa.

For more information, visit The San Diego Wet Lab group’s facebook page: